We will play three game per night to 12

Game one will start at 6:30PM, Warm ups at 6:00PM

No frame can start after 9PM unless score is tied, then one additional frame can start after 9PM to determine a winner.


All matches will start at the designated start team. Two players from each team will play on opposite ends.

If a team is short a player (only 3 players) the game can start at the designated time. The team with only 3 players will play with 2 players on one end each throwing 2 balls and one player on the opposite end throwing 3 balls. (* Note: The one player throwing three balls DOES NOT have to rotate to a different player each game. i. e. The one player throwing three balls can be the same person and play all three games)

If a team is short two player the game can start at the designated time. The team with only 2 players will play with 1 player on one end throwing 3 balls and one player on the opposite end throwing 3 balls.

 If a team has only one player there is a 10-minute grace time to start the game. If after 10 minutes a team still has only one player the first game is forfeited. After the first forfeit, it is the discretion of the opposing team captain if they want to wait another 10 minutes for the second game or forfeit all 3 games. Sometimes there may be uncontrollable issues, like traffic and the team captain is aware a person is on the way may come into the decision-making process.


You are allowed to substitute as many players you want during a game. Substitute must enter at the end of a completed frame and before the next frame starts. Player removed may not reenter that game.  Player removed must wait until the next game. (Just like baseball)

In the event a team needs a substitute, the team captain can contact a player from the “Substitution at Large” List or anyone not on a league team roster.

Substitutes can play for any team on any night.  Substitutes are eligible to play in the playoffs.


Begin the match with the flip of a coin between the captains of each team. The winner of the coin flip has the choice of first toss of the pallino or chooses the color of the team’s balls. The league provides balls for league and tournament play. Players are allowed to use their personal 4 balls set but balls must adhere to USBF standard that balls must be: 107 mm in Diameter and 920 grams (approx. 2lbs) in Weight.

If playing the same team in the next game, winning team must switch players ends between games and the winning team throws the pallino to start next game. (Winners walk rule. Losing team has the option to do whatever they want)


The pallino is the first ball put into play and is thrown underhand from behind the pointing foul line (B line). The pallino may be bounced off the sideboard. The pallino must completely cross the center line (the center line is defined as the farthest middle line from your end of court) and not touch or go beyond the Foul line. (Foul line is defined as the B-line or toss line) If a thrower fails to do this, the throw goes to the other team.  If the second throw fails to place the pallino into play, the pallino goes back to the original tossing team. If the pallino fails again it is alternated between the teams until it is put into play properly. The original pallino tossing team always rolls the first ball.


All bocce balls are thrown from behind the foul line. Any ball released behind the foul line is considered a throw for points.

Each succeeding ball is thrown by the team that does NOT have the ball closest to the pallino. A team’s ball that ties the opponent’s closest ball must throw again. The “IN” team only throws if opponents have thrown all 4 balls. Team members can throw in any order.

All ball thrown are considered in play even if they do not completely pass the center line. Balls not crossing the half court line are to be considered for points.

Balls may be bounced off or played against sideboards. A ball hitting the backboard without first touching the pallino or another bocce ball is a dead ball and is removed from play.

If a player throws wrong color ball, it is replaced with a correct color ball after the ball comes to rest.

If a player throws when the other team should throw or throws more than 2 balls, that ball is removed from play.

A ball, for whatever reason, that goes out of the court is a dead ball and is removed from play for that frame.

If the pallino, for whatever reason, goes out of the court, or is knocked backed behind the center line, the frame is over and the next frame is started at the same end of court with the team that thru pallino first in previous frame throwing pallino first in new frame. (Basically, starting the frame over)

Volo shooting (lofting the ball in the air beyond the center line of the court) is permitted. For safety purposes “All players must be notified someone is going to attempt to Volo the ball.


Players may step on but not over the foul line (or B line) before releasing the pallino or a bocce ball.

If a player’s foot exceeds the width of the proper foul line before releasing a ball (bocce or pallino), they will receive one warning. Subsequent fouls will result in nullifying the pallino throw or rule of advantage of the thrown bocce ball by the opposing team. (Leave as is or replace all balls back to the original position and removal of the thrown ball)


For the violation of any rule that requires the removal of a bocce ball from play, that ball is immediately removed from play until that frame has been completed. The violation must be called and the ball removed before the next ball is thrown. If the ball is not removed before the next ball is played, the ball remains in play for the rest of the frame.

Once violation ball is removed; the rule of advantage applies. The non-penalized team has option to reset all remaining balls moved because of the action of the violation ball back to their approximate original position determined by captains or they may leave balls in the position they ended up after moved because of the action of the violation ball.


This can be the most time-consuming part of the game. To speed up play only two players should be on the court to measure.

When using a tape measure, the measurement should be from the edge of ball closes to the pallino to the front edge of the pallino. Basically, from the inside edge of each ball and pallino. Place measuring devise on the inside edge of the ball. Players should never touch or hold the ball in place when measuring. If there is a disputes team captains will resolve the issue.

If during measurement, a member of a team currently playing measures and moves an opponent’s ball or pallino, the offender’s point that may have been earned will be forfeited and the point is awarded to the opposing team.

If during measurement, a member of a team currently playing measures and moves their own ball or pallino, the point that may have been earned will be forfeited and the point is awarded to the opposing team if offending team has not already earned point in frame.

Players should never touch or move any ball until the frame has ended and opposing team members have agreed on which are the scoring balls for that frame.

If any player moves any ball (including the pallino) prior to the end of a frame (for any reason), if it can easily determine the original position of the balls they are returned to their position and normal play continues. If the balls cannot be accurately relocated to their original positions, as determined by the non-offending team’s Captain, all remaining non-thrown balls of the non-offending team are counted as points in addition to any balls on the court that were consider to be points when infraction occurred. Conversely, for the “ball touching” team (the offenders), all non-thrown balls of that team are voided and the frame is over. Example, the red team has two balls that are currently scoring on the court. Both red team and green team have two balls left. A green team member in disgust steps out and kicks the balls and scatters them all over court and the red captain can’t determine the balls’ original location. The frame is over and the red team gets two points for the scoring balls on the court plus 2 points for the un-thrown balls. This rule should be used as last resort. In most cases, putting balls back to their approximate original location should be fairly easy and a sign of good sportsmanship.

Correctable Error. When a Ball is called a point and later discovered not to be the point. (Note: to avoid this rare situation, it is very important both teams agree on the call regardless if you have an official referee or not. If it’s close, ask for a measurement)

If it is discovered the called point is not a point. Any and all balls rolled “after” the incorrect call is made are returned and normal play continues.

If it cannot be determined which balls were rolled after the call, the error is corrected by assigning the correct point and normal play continues with the team “not in” rolling next.

 If all balls are rolled and then it is determined the called point is not the point. The point goes to the team closest to the pallino.


The official score for frame is determined after all 8 balls have been played and measured to the captains’ satisfaction. One point is awarded for each ball of a team that is closer to the pallino than the opponent’s closest ball (1 to 4 points).

The team that scores in the last frame throws the pallino in the next frame and play continues as above.

If each team’s closest balls are tied, (very rare) no score is made and play continues at the opposite end with the team scoring the point(s) in the previous frame delivering the pallino.

The team that first scores 12 points, wins the game.

Special Paesano Bocce Club Rule, “WINNERS WALK” After game one (1) and game two (2) the winning team “must” change ends. Losing team has any option they want to take.

A typical match is 3 games.


Player cannot cross center line to observe alignment of balls and pallino. Player must rely on teammates at the opposite end to provide aid in ascertaining alignment of balls and pallino.

Teams are allowed one optional two-minute midcourt conference between players from opposite ends once one team’s score has reached 7 points.

Teams are allowed one optional two-minute time-out a game for player returning from bathroom, car, etc. If conference is held during timeout, then no further conference is allowed. Be ready to play for your turn to avoid regular use of timeouts.

Speed of play guideline: Player have 30 seconds to roll the ball after determination of which team’s is to roll the next ball.

When shooting Raffa or Volvo shot notify players on your court and adjacent court of that fact. Also, other players need to be in a position to avoid being hit by shot. Possibilities, are off the court, behind the shooter in kitchen area (behind B line), and if on court be at side angle near shooter to avoid being in the path of delivered ball.

To keep the game moving, players should always be ready to roll in anticipation they may be up next.


Paesano Bocce Club Members can play multiple nights with the following conditions. No two players from the same team can play together on another team on a different League(night)

Paesano Bocce Club Members that play on multiple nights can play on more than one (1) team through the playoffs. However, they cannot play on more than one team on “Championship Sunday”. Must declare at the beginning of “Championship Sunday” the team they will be playing with.

Maximum number of nights players can play in league is two (2).


Honor the history of the game of Bocce; know the rules, respect opponents and officials.

Commit to help and encourage club members.

Have respect and appreciation for our sponsors, office bearers, volunteer workers, and fellow club members

Respect referees and officials during tournaments and league play

Redefine winning thru the mastery of Bocce instead of the scoreboard.


You must enjoy Bocce and respect the heritage of the game. This is done by enjoying a good glass of wine, beer or beverage of choice. Cigars are encouraged.

There are no disputes. If you disagree with a decision refer to “special house rule #1”


Definition: The Substitution at Large list is a list of people available to team Capos to contact in the event they need a substitute.

How to get on the Substitution at Large list

People that do not want to play on a regular basis or cannot commit but wouldn’t mind playing once in while can sign up.

Players that are on a team roster are not eligible to be on the Substitution at Large List.

Substitution at large names will be listed with contact information, phone numbers, text address and email addresses

Non-Members ~ first time free, second time and beyond is $15 per night

Paesano Bocce Club Members ~ No nightly Fee to Sub.


6/3/19 ~ Approved Official Rules and Regulation

7/9/21 ~ Members Playing More than one night

11/21/22 ~ Members Playing More than one night Modified

4/21/23 ~ Substitution at large rule

8/31/23 ~ X.2, Measurement Rule ~ Players should never touch or hold the ball in place when measuring.

9/20/23 ~ X.5, Correctable Error of incorrectly calling the point.


I.4, Delete, Paesano Bocce Club will provide cleaners and disinfectants.

V.1, Enhance Ball size definition and tournament Director’s role.

XIII.3 Maximum nights a player can play on a team

XVI2.2, Roster Players not eligible for Sub at Large list.

IV.2, added “or anyone not on a roster.”